Monday, December 21, 2015

4-H Winterfest

It’s getting pretty cold already, but we are looking forward to seeing you all in January for our 2016 North Central District Winterfest! Winterfest is a one day event for all 4-H’ers in the North Central District ages 11 and up.
In the morning there will be an interactive workshop on various 4-H project areas as well as a community service project led by your District Officers. In the afternoon we will have lunch followed by your choice of Airbound Trampoline Park or bowling with your fellow 4-H members.
Date: Saturday, January 9, 2016
Locations: Winston-Salem - Forsyth County Cooperative Extension Office (1450 Fairchild Rd), Airbound Trampoline Park (7840 N. Point Blvd), and Northside Lanes (3550 N. Patterson Ave.)
Times: Arrival between 9:00-9:30am, Program from 9:30am-3:00pm
Cost: $20/person including Adults (Checks payable to North Central District 4-H Council)
Lunch will be provided and afterwards all participants will have a choice of Fun activity. Contact Whitney by January 4th to register!