Friday, October 19, 2007

Discover 4-H

How do I get in on the
4-H Fun?

There are many ways:
1. Join a 4-H club in your area!

2. Ask your family to help start a 4-H club—just 5 members and an adult helper is all you need!

3. Join a special interest group— a group that gets together for a short time to learn about one thing, or to participate in one activity!

4. Enroll as an individual and study what you want, when you want!

5. Look for 4-H school enrichment programs in your school!

What do you do at 4-H meetings?

Being a member of a 4-H club gives children year-round involvement, and without question, provides them with the most well rounded 4-H experience. As a club member, children develop leadership skills, public speaking skills, and social skills as they participate in monthly club meetings, community service projects, citizenship activities, and club outings.

4-H Clubs are organized in communities throughout Surry County. Clubs are led by parent and community volunteers who have been screened and trained by Extension personnel. Since 4-H is a family program, parents and guardians are actively involved at club functions and meetings.

Generally, clubs are organized for members in three different age groups: 5-8, 9-12, and 13-19; however some clubs allow children ages 5-19 to all participate in the same club together and then provide different learning experiences. Most clubs meet once a month in the evenings, or after school.

Membership in a 4-H club is free, and there are no uniforms to purchase. A typical club meeting will include opening pledges, a short business meeting, a hands-on learning activity, and social time, which often includes recreation and refreshments. Meetings usually last 1 hour to 1 1/2 hours, depending on the members’ ages.

4-H Volunteer Leader Roles & Responsibilities:

4-H volunteers are young, older, male, female, suburban, urban and rural. They represent different cultures and social backgrounds.

Some are parents who enjoy spending time with their children, while at the same time acting in a leadership role for the entire club. Others do not have children in 4-H but have skills and experience that strengthen the 4-H program. There are those who grew up in 4-H and want to give something back to the organization that meant so much to them as a youth.

Many volunteer for the experience of interacting with young people and watching them grow in confidence and knowledge.

Job Description:
Organize, lead and maintain a 4-H club for the purpose of helping youth.

Skills Needed:
Enjoys sharing skills or special talents with young people.
Patient, understanding and caring.
The ability to organize and manage a 4-H club.

Volunteer Expectations:
Plan and implement monthly club meetings and other “hands-on” activities.
Encourage leadership among youth and allow club members to take part in the club’s organization and programming.
Assist club members with projects and presentations.
Attend Surry County 4-H Leaders’ meetings and other district and state volunteer leaders’ meetings.
Inform enrolled youth of county, district and state 4-H Extension program opportunities.
Recruit new members and volunteer helpers if possible.
Attend 4-H Leader’s orientation training conducted by county 4-H staff.