Thursday, January 10, 2008

4-H Talent Show!

Surry County 4-H will be hosting its 1st Annual 4-H Talent Show on April 17 at the Downtown Mt. Airy Cinema. All youth are invited to come and showcase their talent. The show is open to all youth in the county between the ages of 5 & 19. Pre-registration is required. All performances should be no longer than 4 minutes. Each youth can perform only one act in their designated age category. Categories include: dance, song, musical instrument, humorous or dramatic skit. The number of show acts will be limited to 3 per age category under each talent category. Acts will be reserved on a first come, first serve basis. Category winners will advance to “Area Expressive Arts Showcase” that will be held Friday, May 2 in Wilkes County. All participants will be put into a drawing for a $25.00 Wal-mart gift card, the drawing will be held on the night of the event. Everyone is encouraged to Come, See, and Express at this year’s talent show! If you would like to help out behind the scenes contact the 4-H office for details. Deadline to register is April 10.

To register or for more information, contact the 4-H office at 401-8025.