Friday, October 16, 2009

4-H Achievement Night & Talent Show!

The Surry County 4-H Achievement Night and Talent Show will be held on Tuesday, January
26, at 6:00 p.m. at the First United Methodist Church in Pilot Mountain. All youth are invited to
come and showcase their talent in the first portion of the night’s events. The talent show is open to all youth in the county between the ages of 5 and 19. Pre-registration is required!

For the second portion of the evening, we will recognize those 4-H’ers who submitted project record books, clubs for their community involvement, and we will elect our 2010/2011
County Council officers. Come prepared to celebrate and enjoy all the activities planned on this fun night!

There will a meal provided and registration is required. When registering, please include any family, friends, and/or visitors that may attend. Please register by Tuesday, January 19, by calling 401-8025.