Tuesday, January 11, 2011

4-H Achievement Night!

Everyone is invited!

Tuesday, February 22
First United Methodist Church
Pilot Mountain, N.C.
6:00 p.m.

Fee: 2 non-perishable food items to be donated to a local food pantry.

Registration is required! Call 401-8025 to register by February 14!

Everyone is invited to come out and see what 4‐H is all about! Have you or your child attended a summer class, attended a 4‐H special event, or even been a 4‐H’er yourself and would like to now more about this great program and how it has changed? This is a night to come and join in as we have some fun while learning about 4‐H and all its many opportunities!

During the first art of the night we will be recognizing those 4‐H’ers that submitted project record books and 4‐H clubs for their community involvement. We will also be electing our 2011/2012 County Council officers. County Council is an opportunity for youth ages 10‐19 to participate and plan special activities for 4‐H Clubs and the community. Officers will also learn more about parliamentary procedure and leadership. Anyone who is interested or would like more information about the positions available can call the 4‐H office by Monday, February 14.

The second portion of the evening will consist of crafts, games, and food! Activities will be entered on opportunities available in 4‐H as well as provide a great evening of educational entertainment for the whole family. All are invited! You do NOT have to be a current 4‐H ember to participate. We encourage all youth and their families to come, celebrate, and learn more about the 4‐H youth program here in Surry County. A meal will be provided, so registration is required. When registering, please include any family, friends and/or visitors that may attend. Children must be accompanied by an adult. The admission for the evening is free, but please bring two nonperishable food items per person. All donations collected will be distributed to local families as part of our “Hungry to Help” campaign.